7 Unique Ways to Pass Time on a Road Trip

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Road trips can be a fun way to spend time with family and friends, but they can also be incredibly boring if you don’t have anything to do. I’ve been road tripping since the wee age of 6, and I’ve learned what works. Here are some ideas for ways to pass the time on a road trip – with friends, with kids, or even when riding solo.

7 Things To Do on a Long Car Ride with Friends

1. Build a Road Trip Playlist 🔥

One way to pass the time on a road trip is to listen to music – no brainer. The challenge for this “road trip tip” is to go through everyone’s favorite songs, and build a playlist together for the adventure. Or you can just use mine: 5 Best Road Trip Albums.

You can also listen to podcasts, audiobooks, or even language lessons. On a particularly long adventure through Southern France, we went through an entire murder mystery podcast – it was all we could talk about for the weekend.

PRO TIP: I like to download books before long trips so I don’t eat up my phone’s data plan.

2. Combine Travel Journaling & Social Media to Pass the Time

If you’re anything like me, you’ll want to document your journey – and there’s no better way to do that than with a virtual “travel journal”. So instead of being a lurker, be a poster! Get on your Instagram and upload some stories, little tidbits about your trip, fun facts, and cute pictures.

ways to pass the time on a road trip are many - including stopping for a cup of tea.
Enjoying the views is a great way to pass the time on a road trip.
Me drinking the local beer on the Estonia Road Trip. A great way to pass time on a road trip.

Not only does this allow you to keep track of where you’ve been, but it also provides a personal touch for friends and family who weren’t able to make the trip or aren’t able to travel. #blessed 🙂

3. Get to Know Your Travel Buddy

Long car rides are the perfect opportunity to catch up with your travel buddies. If you’re traveling with friends or family, use the time to chat and get to know them better. Hit the 4 big topics – relationships, politics, work-life, and TikTok videos that made you cry-laugh.

There was a great article in the New York Times several years back that outlined 36 Questions to Fall in Love for those of you traveling with your partners (click it if you’re feeling spicy). For drives with friends and family, here are the 21 Questions I always use to get the party started – it’s not just about romantic love, it’s also about fostering close friendships. Here are a few sample questions to pique your interest:

  • What was your first kiss like? Tell the story of it!
  • What are 3 things you’ve always wanted to do in life?
  • What’s your favorite memory from childhood?

4. Look Out for Sights

If you’re traveling through areas with lots of natural beauty, take time to enjoy the views. 🌼

I love finding pretty spots to pull over and grab a snack, stretch my leg, and breathe in some fresh air. If you’re driving at night, keep your eyes on the road.

A view from the drive up to Loen, a destination spot on the south Norway road trip. Stops are a great way to pass time on a road trip.
A view from the windy roads towards Geirenger Fjord, a destination on the south Norway road trip. Stops are a great way to pass time on a road trip.
pros and cons of road trips include freedom and space to think. These stops on mountaintops are great ways to pass time on a road trip.

5. Keep Your Mind Engaged with Trivia Games

There’s nothing like a good trivia game to keep your mind sharp (and entertained). If you’re traveling with others, opt for a group game. My personal favorite is the HQ Trivia App, but feel free to get creative and bring trivia cards from home. I personally feel this is one of the most underrated ways to pass the time on a road trip.

6. Watch a movie…or Three!

This one’s a no-brainer – watching movies is the perfect way to pass the time on a road trip (unless you are the driver). However, instead of opting for the same old, same old, why not try out a new genre?! I love watching stand-up comedy (Ali Wong is my favorite) because even the driver can enjoy the jokes! 😜

7. Play Games

Another way to pass the time on a road trip is to play games. My family likes to play the license plate game, where you try to spot license plates from all 50 states. You can also make up your own games, like spotting cows or trying to find the oldest car on the road.

If you’re traveling with kids, you can bring along some coloring books and crayons – which works well for adults too! If you’re feeling up for it, try a crossword puzzle or game of sudoku.

A great way to pass the time on a road trip is to bring coloring books for kids.

6 Games to Play on a Road Trip with Kids (and Adults)

✔️ License Plate Game – This one is perfect for car rides with kids! All you need is a piece of paper and something to write with. The goal is to find license plates from all 50 states (or however many you’re playing with). Once you see one, mark it off on your list. The person with the most wins!

✔️ I Spy – This game is perfect for when you want to take a break from talking. One person starts by saying “I spy with my little eye, something (color, shape, etc)”. Then, everyone takes turns guessing what the item is by asking yes/no questions about its description. The person who guesses correctly gets to be the next spy’er!

✔️ 21 Question – This game is perfect for when you’re getting to know someone. It’s basically asking and answering questions. The first person starts with a question, then the next person answers it and asks their own question, and so on. Here’s a 21 Questions starter pack – but let the discussion guide you!

✔️ Alphabet Game – This is a great game for kids, but can be fun for adults too. The rules are simple – find things that start with each letter of the alphabet in order, from A to Z.

✔️ Movie Game – One person starts by naming any movie, then the next person has to name a movie that starts with the last letter of the first movie. For example, if the first person says ‘Titanic’, the next person could say ‘E.T.’

✔️ Mad Libs – My favorite and an absolute throwback to my middle school days. You may have to buy one of those little Mad Libs books, but it’s worth it, I promise! Mad Libs are stories with blanks that need to be filled in. But the catch is that you don’t know what kind of word should go in the blank until you’ve heard everyone’s suggestions. They can be as wild or as boring as you want – it just leads to a lot of laughs.

Rock paper scissor is a great way to pass the time on a road trip.

How do I make up time on long road trips?

One way to shorten your trips is to take advantage of a few time-saving tips. There are many different ways to do this, but some methods are more commonly used than others.

One popular method is to take short breaks every few hours. During these breaks, you can get out of the car and walk around for a bit. This will help you stay awake and avoid getting too stiff. Another way is to make sure to plan your route in advance and take the most direct route possible. This will help you avoid getting lost and wasting time. You should also think about traffic. If you’re traveling during rush hour, your trip will likely be longer than if you travel during off-peak hours.

ways to pass time on a road trip is to pick the fastest route and stick to it.

How do I pass time alone in the car?

If you’re the only one in the car, there are still ways to pass the time. One way is to listen to music or audiobooks. This can help the time fly by and make the trip more enjoyable. You can also use this time to catch up on work or personal tasks by making those follow-up calls, dictating notes and reminders to your phone, or doing your due diligence for an upcoming presentation by listening to the pre-reads.

What to bring on a long car ride?

No matter how long or short your car ride is, it’s always a good idea to be prepared. Make sure you have an emergency kit in your trunk including a first-aid kit, jumper cables, flares, and a spare tire.

You should also make sure you have healthy snacks and drinks for the road and don’t forget that useful empty bag for trash. And, don’t forget your phone charger!

ways to pass time on a road trip is to pack light but have all the outfits fit comfortably.

Comfy Road Trip Outfits

For ultimate preparedness, I put together a few tips for packing light and comfy road trip outfits. The post goes over the do’s and don’ts of long car rides and packing for a weekend trip.

What can you do without electronics?

There are plenty of ways to have fun on a long car ride without electronics. If you’re traveling with others, take turns reading aloud from a book or listening to an audiobook. You can also play road trip games like the license plate game, I Spy, or 21 Questions. For some alone time, try focusing on your breath and meditation podcasts or techniques.

If you’re really desperate for something to do, you can always count how many different types of landmarks, trees, or animals you see on the trip. Who knows, maybe you’ll even spot a celebrity!

Have Fun!

No matter what you choose to do, make sure you take frequent breaks to move around and stretch your legs. Sitting in one position for too long can cause… well, boredom. And that’s what we’re trying to avoid here. If you’re still unconvinced, check out Road Trips: Pros and Cons & Why I Love Them for further convincing!

pros and cons of road trips include having time to explore your creative and free spirited self. Photography is a great way to spend time on a road trip documenting your travels.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your road trip. And have fun while on it… even if the trip is a bit longer than you planned for. Bon Voyage!